Thursday, December 2, 2010

Unipay2u Series- 3:How to Open a Trading Account at Unipay2u

To start making money online with Unipay2u, first of all you have to open a trading account. To open a trading account you need a security code. You can buy a security from an authorized agent or any members of Unipay2u who has enough balance to buy a security code for you.

There are four types of trading account.

  1. Trading Account – $ 65 (1 Security Code = $ 65 = 4550/= BDT)
  2. Trading Account – $ 120 (1 Security Code = $ 120 = 8400/= BDT)
  3. Trading Account – $ 260 (1 Security Code = $ 260 = 18,200/= BDT)
  4. Trading Account – $ 520 (1 Security Code = $ 520 = 36,400/= BDT)

Step 1: Pay your referrer $ 65/120/260/520. He will Login his account using his Member ID and Password.

Step 2: Click on “Security Code” from the main menu.

Open trading account at unipay2u 1

Step 3: Select your desired account type and click on “Buy Security Code”. A pop-up will open. Click “OK” to confirm.

Open trading account at unipay2u 2

Step 4: Now you will get an auto-generated security code.

Step 5: Click here to open a trading account at Unipay2u. Registration process will begin. Write down or copy-paste the security code in the blank space. Then click “Proceed to Register”.

Step 6: In this you will find the registration form. Fill it up carefully.

Sponsor ID: Give your sponsor’s member ID.

Select Agent: Select your agent from the drop down menu. Ask your sponsor which one to choose.

Placement ID: This is ID under which you are going to place this account. Select left or right of the placement ID.

Name: Give your full name.



Password: Give strong password with the combination of !, ~, #, ^, 1-9, A-Z.

Step 7: Click on “Sign Up” to complete registration process. You will get following confirmation message.

Open trading account at unipay2u 6

A registration confirmation email will be sent your email address.

Note: Email address is the main factor of your ID. Use strong password for your email address too.

You are done. Use the member ID and password to login to your account. Using this trading account you can invest money from $300 – $18000.

1 comment:

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